Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A century later, in 1798, takes place a revolution inspired by the French Revolution led by Theobal

Cap. I: A brief historical introduction (Trip to Ireland 2013) | SEMESCOM
From 22 to 29 August 2013, 51 travelers from lands Soneira, Nemancos and Bergantino (Coast of Death), A Coruña, Ferrol, Santiago Land, Land of Mountains and some other corner over Galicia trip to Ireland / Eire. Wanted to know its monuments,-not only prehistoric, but also those of all ages, and closer to its western Finisterre. Also interested in their natural landscape, its urbanism, its legends, its customs, its cuisine, its music, its history and its current policy. Six days and peak do not give much, but certainly we know something more than we knew before.
Aware that to understand Ireland was necessary how i met your mother to have an overview of its history, plus an approximate itinerary of the trip, each traveler was given a note on the History of Ireland, taken mainly textbooks for high school students in this country (also a Brief History of Ireland and many websites).
The current Ireland (Republic of Ireland independent and Northern Ireland, how i met your mother British) is the result of its turbulent history, a history dominated by the British, particularly by the English, from the SEC. XII, which will have a big role to religious confrontation between Catholics and Protestants from all over the Act of Supremacy of 1534, by which the British King Henry VIII broke with Roman Catholicism and Anglicanism instauraba in Britain and Ireland.
But the Irish population is the result of many people coming to the island from earliest times. The third invasion, according to the Leabhar Ghabála ('Book of Invasions') of the Irish monks of the century. XII, perhaps the grandchildren came from 'Galician' Breoghan, the Milesians, back in the SEC. BCE. Thousand sons, grandson of Breoghan, constitute the Celtic Irish society: the Gaels, recognizable by surnames initiated by O (O Neill) or Mac (Mac Donnell).
The attacks of Scandinavian Vikings were constant in the ninth and tenth centuries, attracted by the wealth of their monasteries. Cities like Dublin, Cork and Limerick have their origin in Scandinavian settlements.
A Gaelic King of Munster (in the south of the island), MacMurrough, was responsible for the invasion and conquest of Ireland by anglonormandos, as he called to his aid to Henry II of England. In 1172 the king anglonormando conquers the island easily and makes Ireland the first English colony, colonization that would last 750 years (it would end until 1921).
In the century. XVI will increase Tudor politics anglicanizante with "taming and castration" (surrender and regrant) Gaelic lords (the Chieftains) required to pay homage to the English king. The Act of Supremacy of 1534 increased to anglicanización because the Irish have remained in their Catholicism and this served to discriminalos more.
1590 will take place in the northern province of Ulster rebellion of two counts against Elizabeth Gaels will be based on religious differentiation of Northern Ireland. The counts O Neill of Tyrone and Tyrconnell of O Donnell are defeated and fearful for possible retaliation flee the island with their families and cadanseu boat (O Donnell landed in Coruña). With these counts flight away what little was left in the old Gaelic nobility. Their lands are ownerless and the British advantage to give the English settlers how i met your mother (Anglican) and Scottish (Presbyterian). In 1640 there were already more than 40,000 owners not Irish. Their descendants constitute the core of Protestant Ireland.
In 1690 takes place the main battle in the history of Ireland: the river BOINNE. On the banks of this river will explain the future of Ireland and Great Britain. Two aspiring to the throne: Xacobo II, who wanted to return the kingdom to Roman Catholicism and the monarchical absolutism, and Guillelmo of Orange, Protestant, who had accepted the supremacy of Parliament. The Irish Catholics supported the first and were defeated, which meant its total submission to the Irish Protestant minority: the Protestant Ascendency 'Dominion Protestant', which meant the total discrimination of most Irish Catholic, even subject to criminal law (Criminal Laws) they prevented the practice of religion, access to schools and any major political position.
A century later, in 1798, takes place a revolution inspired by the French Revolution led by Theobald Wolfe Tone, a member of the Church of Ireland, but not rich enough to belong to the Protestant Ascendency. how i met your mother Wolfe Tone manages to unite groups of Ulster Presbyterians in their rebellion, in favor of a Republic of Ireland (the father of Irish republicanism). There was armed struggle and Tone it will go to France for help, you get, the French revolutionaries. Finally, the British army of General Lake manages, through a terrible repression, won

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