Saturday, December 14, 2013

2013 (29) December (3) September (4) August (9) July (2) June (1) May (1) April (1) March (1) Febru

"Caught as we are between myp2p the air and the earth can not get many illusions. All prizes and punishments that can give will not happen here. But living without a commitment myp2p to the future seems enfastiado [...]. To continue living, even if it is with lies, we need adobiar dreams. "
In 1965, under the editorial seal of Iberian Rueda, Luis Seone and Isaac Diaz Pardo, protected by pseudonyms Brocos Maximino Fernandez and Santiago, Galicia published book hoy. That work intended to "fight desmemorización that is imposed to hide the sacrifice of the Spanish people, particularly in Galicia, which presented to the world as a people voluntarily submitted and nailed the aims of tyranny" and wanted to mean that "Paul does not was indifferent to what was happening had been thirty years in Spain and that in our history there were roots of rebellion and had saints, heroes and martyrs for freedom, many of our contemporaries. " Isaac Diaz Pardo explained in these words the purposes that inspire design that work when, just over two decades later, he published in the Castro Ediciós a new book with the same title of that.
In Galicia hoy 1987, Diaz Pardo claimed against "empty the memory of our recent history" and warned that "the non-existent global judgment and critical about the world left us with a dictatorship desmemorización interested" determined myp2p our inability to change the present and build a better future, deceiving projects retardarios powers, those who "do business at the expense of Galicia and we tend traps on the way to trabucarnos and make us fall in wells insolidariedade". The book was dedicated "to the poets of my time, which suffered myp2p the love story justice, freedom and solidarity of men, those who had to live in exile for his ideas and left us this example of loyalty, also struggling to because Paul, and the rest of the world is better and fairer "and vindication of his memory was mixed with vigorous protest" against all hierarchy, privilege academic and social prominence, myp2p against all injustice and against all deception, disguise and stupidity we have to put up with those who have power. " In memory voltage fulxente background and desire, Isaac Diaz Pardo fraguou myp2p to their works, their businesses and their lives with the extraordinary power of a giant.
May his memory live forever in us, that their example encourage myp2p and feed our commitment to the future. That, as he himself wrote regarding Castelao, no one tried to distract the meaning of its prestige, the handlers and counterfeiters do not try to hide your example demystifying myp2p all solemnity and his love for the right causes of his people. myp2p So be it.
Cartafolio Venetian
2013 (29) December (3) September (4) August (9) July (2) June (1) May (1) April (1) March (1) February (3) January (4) 2012 (163) December ( 5) November (7) October myp2p (15) September (9) August myp2p (27) July (20) June (24) May (23) April (14) March (9) February (4) January (6) Music caffeinated. Black Music caffeinated coffee. The Coffee Song Venice no es una ruin funeral in Venice need panegirista Isaac Diaz Pardo Año Nuevo, myp2p coffee nuevo 2011 (16) June (1) April (7) March (7) February (1) 2010 (52) November (3) October (3) September (3) July (4) June (3) May (6) April (7) March (7) February (12) January (4) 2009 (105) December (9) November (24) October (20 ) August (1) July (10) June (7) May (8) April (7) March (10) February myp2p (5) January (4) 2008 (45) November (2) October (3) September (2) August (3) July (9) June (2) May (4) April (3) March (17) 2007 (7) November (7)
"During muchos años, he been a coffee drinker. Have there been days that he taken them too. Los cafes I have produced one undoubted tachycardia, myp2p but al mismo tiempo have created one in my vivacity and curiosity to one them things extremely myp2p quick and comprehensive. He journalism, what are bell eso? "[Josep Pla: Notes for Silvia]
AH Raskin Adolfo Llanos and Adolph S. Alcaraz Ochs Agustí Calvet (Gaziel) Agustín de Foxá Albert Camus Alberto Martín Valero Alfredo Alejandro Sawa Vicenti Alvaro Cunqueiro Ali Lmrabet Ambrose Bierce myp2p CULLAR Antonio Antonio Antonio Espina Heredero Anxel Bellows Arcadi Espada Art Buchwald Arthur H. Fellig (Weegee) Arthur St. Augustine Augustus Assisi Aurelio Ribalta AZORIN Bartolomé José Gallardo Basilio Alvarez Ben Bradlee Benito Perez Galdos Bessie Beatty myp2p Luis Carlos Alvarez (Candide) Carlos Sentís Carmen de Burgos (Colombine) Carmen Carmen Gurruchaga Rigalt Charles A. Dana Clemente Cimorra Corpus Barga Cesar Gonzalez-Ruano David Frost David Gistau Rabadán Diego Dionisio Fierros Gamallo E. Dominguez Rodin Edmundo Gonzalez-Blanco Eduardo Haro Tecglen myp2p Elizabeth May Craig Elvira

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