Tuesday, January 6, 2015

April Fool

Helsinki News April Fool's Day news by Tarja Halonen gift for the cat had found the secret camera and microphone. bershka She received a gift naamiokissarotuisen Meggin Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in January.
The newspaper Keski-Uusimaa, in turn, reported that in April, the first day of the Järvenpää swimming pool you can swim topless five euro surcharge. Magazine bershka according to information received from each topless uidusta kilometers of the City of Järvenpää sports facilities donate 13 cents to the Järvenpää stray cats recreation fund.
According to the news in the gaming bershka company Rovio's head office BEEN erected in Espoo. The roof of the head office is reportedly designed 16-meter-high Angry Birds characters, which are installed two 000-flashing warning aircraft. The character is made of very strong Chinese plastic, so it does not rust.
April Fool's Day also revealed bershka why Vantaa air feels warmer in the winter than the rest of the country. Vantaa messages bershka according to the news of the warm countries of the aircraft causing namely the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport Convenient clear rise in temperature. bershka
- It's just so that when the aircraft doors are fastened in warm countries, will remain warm air aircraft as custody, Vantaa Environment Agency Meteorologist Ari Paljala know to tell Vantaa Sanomat.
http: //www.helsinginuutiset.fi/artikkeli/229720-tarja-halosen-lahjakissasta-loyt bershka ... http: //www.lansivayla.fi/artikkeli/230001-espoon-kaupungintalo-muutetaan-angry-b ... http: ... //www.vantaansanomat.fi/artikkeli/229885-vantaan-lampoilmion-syy-lentokonee http://www.keski-uusimaa.fi/artikkeli/230037-jarvenpaan-uimahallissa-voi-uida-yl. ..
Morning bershka Post, Helsinki News from Lohja, Imatra kind, Keski-Uusimaa, Lappeenranta News, Western Uusimaa, West, Mäntsälän News, Nurmijärven News, Seinäjoki Sanomat, Sipoo Sanomat, Tampere, Turku, Uusimaa, Vantaa Sanomat, Vihdin News, Weekly News, Aroma

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