* Powerbuilder 10.5 timer function and timer events in the last lecture dealt with Roy, about. dexter There are some redeeming content. timer (1) This timer event executes dexter once per second. there is a timer event when the window is closed, continue to be called. timer (0) is called, the call is terminated by the timer event. ^ ^ Over the past two river a short introduction about the MDI did. Let's dexter implement the MDI in this lecture. New window opens after a long time.
Click on the list of employees to the list of employees dexter screen menu to be opened nothing happens????? openSheet (w_list, w_main, 3, Original!) openSheet the sheet corresponding to the MDI frame window on'm open. W_main MDI frame window type mdi! That wherever possible. w_main to open properties.
OpenSheet (sheetrefvar {, windowtype}, mdiframe {, position {, arrangeopen}}) dexter sheetrefvar: to open a window (sheet) dexter Variable (MDI frame window excluded). windowtype: sheetrefvar the data type (sheetrefvar sheetrefvar descendants of the same or window type). (Optional) mdiframe: MDI frame window name. position: the name of the sheet you want to add to open the menu number (from 1 to start the menu to the left increases by 1.) (Optional) 0 just before the menu is added to the last menu. arrangeopen: sheet is to be opened to determine how to align the MDI frame. Enumerated data type. (Optional) Cascaded! - (Default) in line with the other open sheet arranged in cascade. Sheet placed just below the title bar is already open. sheet size is always smaller than the size of the MDI frame. Layered! - Fill your frame is already open to the covering sheet Original! - Open the original size sheet positioned Cascade way now openSheet (w_list, w_main, 3, Original!) Let's analyze. sheetrefvar w_list is to open a window corresponding to the fine weather. and 3 is the position of w_main mdiframe menu on the left in the third run I'd dexter like the on-screen menu will display the list of employees, and then click on the menu look, nothing happens. m_main open.
Click on the left side of the menu screen is already open, as shown in the screen displays the title of the sheet. The argument arrangeopen openSheet dexter Cascaded!, Layered!, Original! I see a difference, changing the test can be seen. And windowtype dexter argument is not used often. Examples of specific usage, please refer to the Help. Thank you.
"[River] Beginners PowerBuilder (Windows OS + Oracle) 'category PowerBuilder other posts (PowerBuilder) Lecture - 49.pbm_dwnprocessenter & Send PowerScript function (4) 2012/01/06 PowerBuilder (PowerBuilder) Lecture - 48.HALT PowerScript Statement & DISCONNECT SQL statement & Menu Image, Toolbar (11) 2012/01/02 PowerBuilder (PowerBuilder) Lecture - 47.Menu Object & OpenSheet PowerScript function dexter (2) 2011/12/28 PowerBuilder (PowerBuilder) Lecture - 46. Timer PowerScript function & event (0) 2011/12/22 PowerBuilder (PowerBuilder) Lecture - 45.Today & String PowerScript function dexter (2) 2011/12/17 PowerBuilder (PowerBuilder) Lecture - 44.Specify Sort Columns in DataWindow ( 2) 2011
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