Since it is such a bargain I think it is worth to bring the character of Clara Schumann, liveleak who among the majority of musicians known only from the fact that she was the wife of Robert Schumann, and Brahms side of the affair. ;-)
Josephine Clara Schumann, née Wieck, was a time of present its remarkable character - a pianist, composer, and above all, a brave woman! Both mother and father were pianists Clara. Taught music from an early age her father, Friedrich Wieck. When about nine years older than Clara Wieck Schumann heard her play, it was so enchanted that he decided to quit his legal studies, which have never been his passion and start learning music with his father Clary. Domineering and forceful Friedrich Wieck quickly realized liveleak that Clara and Robert have something more, sooner liveleak than just friendship, and it was this relationship is clearly not in his smak.Pewna Clara decided to oppose the will of his father. She married Robert, bore him several children helped in the work of a composer, took care of him, and in the meantime continue to devote time pianism.
Clara Schumann thanks to his extraordinary talent has been in contact with the elite of the Romantic era music - Chopin, Liszt, Mendelssohn. Edvard Grieg said of her: "Clara Schumann is one of the most spiritual and famous pianists of our times."
Mental illness forced her husband to the superhuman efforts of Clara, as it had become the family breadwinner. Mother of seven children used to play concerts, gave piano lessons, she was organizing her own manager all tours. When a group of musician liveleak friends wanted to organize a charity concert in her name firmly refused. Experienced many tragedies in his life (the death of her husband and four of eight children) did not give up and go out on the counter all the difficulties that brought her fate.
From an early age Clara toured throughout Europe - in Paris, Leipzig, Weimar, Vienna and others. Performed composers liveleak of his contemporaries as well as their own. As a mature pianist often expressed their views on the composition of other artists. liveleak Particularly virulent frequented for Wagner:
Initially interested liveleak in the works of Liszt, after a while began to burn hostility to him. When you know that it will appear at the festival is the same for him not to go. Also proved his displeasure when her husband Liszt dedicated his Fantasy in C major, Op. 17.
The more I read about Clara Wieck, the more I realize that it was not fainting in the arms of the famous composer mimosa. Endowed with great talent liveleak and extraordinary character could become a front-woman of today's feminists. ;-)
Even thinking about it, because I used to even played, and recently wrote a biography of Prof. Szmyd-Dormus came across information that piano miniatures is Prof. Maria Szymanowska Szmyd-Dormus edited. So quickly grabbed the note on the shelf to check this information and, yes, were issued under the editorship of Mary Szmyd-Dormus:-) Delete
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