Saturday, November 1, 2014

At the end of our reflection on the past three weeks, we ask ourselves, How can I appreciate the Eu

What insights do you have when you went to church? Others, just to leave the house on Sundays. Others, trip lang yung friend to be with. Others, seriously would be with the Lord even an hour.
Varied reasons, varied as the experiences of each other, but whether we admit or not, God Himself also beckons us to join him in the Holy Thanksgiving (Eukharistia in Greek) of all grace, made him and continue to give to us.
Case, the problem, most of us are apathetic Thanksgiving. They think the masses will play a role only, with documentation, then the priest raised yung bread, then finished at the end ipapamigay they were clapping because done. Majority do not realize the real value of the Mass they attend.
Jesus himself shows us the real value of the Mass: the relationship with God and he tells us: Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood dwelleth in me, and I in him!
In his love for us, Jesus had left the Holy Mass to serve as memories that we have God continue zalukaj to give us life and strength to continue our struggle. Us to be strong, his body exactly what we eat, and his blood we drink itself - in the form bread and wine.
Enclosed is our faith, we are still alive in his presence in us: Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will resurrect him in the last day!
We do not ignores it, instead we will continue our daily Eucharist makes it contrary to our accepted. zalukaj As they say, the week is our spirituality, and another discussed Monday through Saturday. This is not the appropriate perspective for our life always draws the Body and Blood of Christ! Because these are evil of the world, you take advantage of every opportunity that ye have done well. (Second Reading)
Christ himself is the food we continue to struggle for life! He offered himself for our sanctification and livelihood. We may not engaged, or ignore, he continues to introduce himself for us to love, honor, and be part of our lives. I dare you to take him into our plans, activities, say or do - in everyday living.
At the end of our reflection on the past three weeks, we ask ourselves, How can I appreciate the Eucharist in my life? Ending it the one time we give thanks to God, or we strained it about in our day to day activities? I accept the sincere Christ into my life every Communion?
Sunday again! We also encourage you to be with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Let us not waste the opportunity. We accept all your heart and faith to Jesus, the Bread of Life, the real against the Food for Life!
Lord, thank you for giving of yourself to grow food that give life! May we welcome you in our hearts, that you have become drunk according to your pictures. Through the Mass, which you receive may we be our strength to continue dealing with the challenges of life until we gain the glory of Eternal Life. AMEN.
With another year of grace to me from the Lord, you are always in my mind and heart. I am with you in a another year of dealing with the trials of life. Please always zalukaj include me in your prayers. Thank you for your continued support! ^^
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