Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Here you have a picture on a Chinese adapter to jmfra with anyway: sku_27138_2.jpg I still only hav

Forum Playstation 2 HD Loader, FTP server, etc. Ntverksadapter with HDD Interfaces found If this is your first described, be sure to check at our FAQ by clicking on the link printed above r. To be able to write inlgg have to register, g click on the link for to continue. Fr to Begin LSA discussions VLJ the forum you are interested in from the list.
I have heard that it will be next to NST omjligt to hold f p a ntverksadapter with IDE interface for connection of internal hdd. Now is it's that I run on a sdan and gri thoughts on that kra a HDLoader / Extreme / Advance lsning or whatever it is called. Charging times will of course be avsevrt brutal n that kra with an ext hdd via usb 1.0. S what do you think, is it a VRT femhundring for a used sdan in fine condition ?? hdd ps2.JPG Last edited by Jack_Nepacha; 2011-11-02 at 19:43.
I had a prjsat femhundring for it if I really g wanted it, but it br Vlg to hold f p a SNDR a few dog rings cheaper with luck. But there is no ivf total ripoff in my opinion. A word of caution though; then an r or television, there are Chinese copies of the drntverksadaptrarna in the market g for a couple g of hundred pieces paragraph, and the RVL no omjlighet that there are people who buys into a party's fashion and sells off. I have a Chinaman adapter Himself, and sure enough it works quite excellent if you just are looking for hdd loading. Do you have dremot ntverksfunktionaliteten r hardly anvndbar Particularly, during the yellow label where there is an ethernet port on the original is blank. It would be silly to pay a femhundring for a gun like is sold under frespeglingen it is original stuff:>
Ok ... thanks for the answers. D maybe it's not mrkvrdigt as I understand it d. And someone yellow patch, I can not see on the pictures. I slnger them in pictures I have on it's maybe someone has the desire to look and verify if there is no electricity orig. Appending 1174 Append 1175 Append 1176
Your attachments g are not plays. r no expert on the Dr, but on Chinese adapters usually g to move Molex and / or IDE connectors sideways, for that more disk models should work with them. The recesses in plten that the connections are r allts little wider p Chinese adapters n original. It is a little different pitch p dr contacts depending on the disk model, and the original adapters only work with a handful of different models without mods disk or adapter. There will be around p Chinese adapters. It grskert to see differences on the label dr also, but I know nothing about yourself. The Doctor with the contacts is something I added mrke to yourself. There is a safe part to find if you google around a bit
Append Append g 1177 1178 1179 Append Tests via photobucket, maybe grbttre. Should google also ... thanks for reply !! The recesses looks iofs jkligt tight out. Last edited by Jack_Nepacha; 2011-11-02 at 21:50.
Here you have a picture on a Chinese adapter to jmfra with anyway: sku_27138_2.jpg I still only have your picture from trdstarten to g p. The next stack lnkar did not:> A few obvious differences I see direct g r: * Fstronen for the two lower screws that fster plten in plasthljet r disparity (sitting ihjd with IDE and molexkontakterna). * There is no Sony Log p kinesadapterns label (s however right assured g that my have it, can be edited out on the image of the legal skl, check carefully on the picture's, it looks to be be p) * p Frgen screws that keeps dataconnectorn to PS2 is different (this is safe, however, different from batch to batch) g * There is a clear difference in the breadth molexkontakternas g recesses. Last edited by kaputnik; 2011-11-02 at 22:54. A SNT hr package g got you vl hardly g with your or ?? Do not p ntet about differences and recess / hlet in plta you are talking about is the only difference I can see. Last edited by Jack_Nepacha; 2011-11-02 at 23:01. A SNT hr package got you vl hardly with your or ?? Do not p ntet about differences and recess / hlet in plta you are talking about is the only difference I can see. looks to be the real deal
Google is your friend! If you find something I do not write stmmer, write it! was not afraid of to prove me wrong, I do not bite, I promise! (Just a little bit sometimes ...) I write "us" or "we" it usually means: PSXCare
looks to be the real deal Sweetness. Shall I ck to d or ?? Yes, I want the kind lsning hr. But is there someone id to even ponder on to make use of ftp, lste that speed is frightening lg? And I will run on a few problems with Win 7 throughout HDExtreme / Advance the story? A SNT hr package got you vl hardly with your or ?? Find in

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