The tutorial assumes you have a good working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro and tools. It was written in PspX2 but it could be done in previous versions. My tutorials are from my own creative imagination has any similarity to other tutorials is strictly coincidental. If I'm using a brush, mask, frame, tube, or default template that you and I do not have listed please let me items I have and give me a link to your site so that I can give you credit and a link!
Materials not included: 1 Scrap Kit: Wisteriallane By: Designs color = "# BF2528"> By Stina 1 template: template67 By: DenzDesignz 5 Tubes: I am using the amazing work of Maryline Cazenave need to buy by Creative Design Outlet Materials: Includes: 1 Mask Supplies: sharlimarMask605: If this is please send me your information so I can give you proper credit or tell me to take it out of my supplies. Mask 1: Brujita_mask_0016: If this is please send me your information so I can give you proper credit or tell me to take it out of my supplies 1 WordArt: friends: By: DesignsByKarma gogle (me)
Arrangements used throughout instruction: 1) Dropshadow: 0,1,25,4, # 000000 2) Dropshadow: 1,1,45,6, # 000000 3) Dropshadow: 0,2,30,6, # 000000 4 ) Dropshadow: 2,2,65,10, # 000000 5) Dropshadow: 3,3,60,5, # 000000
Tutorial: Instructions: 1) Open template: Shift + D; Original fort. be. The double template; deleted: Denz Designz layer. b. Highlight: Series Background: c. CTRL + A 2) Open paper2: CTRL + C and close 3) On the template: CTRL + Shift + L: a. CTRL + F b. Layers: Load / Save Mask: From Disk: c. sharlimarMask605: check: source luminance, fit to canvas, invert transparency and hide all mask. d. Merge Group: e. Add 1 drop shadow above. f. Highlight circle layer. 4) Open frame2: CTRL + C and close 5) On the template: CTRL + L to. Edit: 499 px (width) all layers unchecked. b. Delete: layer circle: c. Using the magic wand tool: Click inside the frame. d. Selection: Modify: Expand: 2 6) Open paper10: CTRL + C and close 7) On the template: gogle CTRL + L to. CTRL + SHIFT + I: Hit your delete key b. CTRL + F: Move the layer below the frame layer. c. Add a drop shadow 2 above. gogle d. Highlight: shape layer. e. CTRL + A, CTRL + F, CTRL + SHIFT + F 8) Open paper13: CTRL + C and close 9) On the template: CTRL + L to. CTRL + SHIFT + I: Hit your delete key b. CTRL + F: c. Highlight: back layer frames. d. Using the magic wand tool: Click inside the frame. e. Layers: Add a new raster layer. 10) Open up tube # 1: CTRL + C and close 11) On the template: CTRL + Shift + L to. CTRL + F b. Adjust: gogle Sharpen c. Add a drop shadow 3 above. 12) Repeat Step 9: E - Step 3 11 for more of your tubes. be. Highlight: back layer frames: b. CTRL + A, CTRL + F, CTRL + SHIFT + F c. Layers: Add a new raster layer 13) Open paper 15: CTRL + C and close 14) On the template: CTRL + Shift + L to. Layers: Load / Save Mask: uncheck gogle invert transparency. b. Merge group c. CTRL + F d. Delete: back layer frames e. Highlight: 4 square frame layer 15) Open frame3: CTRL + C and close 16) On the template: CTRL + L: a. Edit: 292 px (width) b. Go to the top left square. c. Use your pick tool: draw the frame of the same size as the square. d. Adjust: Sharpen: e. Add a drop shadow 3 above. f. Duplicate: g. CTRL + M: Merge Down h. Duplicate: Move this set to the remaining squares. in. Highlight: top frame layer: Merge: Down. j. Highlight: 4 square frame layer 17) Open bow 8: CTRL + C and close 18) On the template: CTRL + L to. Edit: 380 px (width) b. Add a drop shadow 4. c. Delete: 4 square frame layer. d. Highlight: hearts layer e. CTRL + A, CTRL + F, CTRL + SHIFT + F 19) 21 Open paper: CTR + C and close 20) On the template: CTRL + L to. CTRL + Shift + I b. Hit the delete key c. CTRL + F d. Add a drop shadow of 4 above e. Delete: hearts layer 21) Open Sign: CTRL + C and close 22) On the template: CTRL + L to. Change: 15% b. Go to the upper left corner. gogle (See mine for placement) c. Adjust: Sharpen gogle d. Add a drop shadow 4. 23) Open rainbow: gogle CTRL + C and close 24) On the template: CTRL + L (you can either go straight to your liking or leave it where it is) 25) 4 Open tube. CTRL + C and close 26) On the template: CTRL + L to. Change: 60% b. Add a drop shadow 5 above 27) Perfume Open: CTRL + C and close 28) On the template: CTRL + L to. Change: 20% b. Add a drop shadow above 5 c. Go to the appropriate
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